Current Requirements: Your Admission arrangements should be published online and include:

Academy trusts must publish their admission arrangements to comply with the:

The school admissions and appeals codes do not apply to special academies, alternative provision settings or stand-alone 16 to 19 institutions.

Maintained Schools

September admissions – normal point of entry

By 15 March each year, the school must publish on its website the admission arrangements for children who will be starting school at the normal point of entry in September of the following year. It must retain them there for the whole of the academic year in which offers for places are made.

The admission arrangements must explain:

  • how the school considers applications for places in each relevant age group (that is, the age group in which children are normally admitted)
  • how many children the school intends to admit in each relevant age group (known as the published admission number, or PAN)
  • what a parent or carer needs to do if they want to apply for their child to attend the school
  • how the school allocates places, if there are more applicants than places available

Where applicable, schools must also explain how:

  • children are selected for a place, if the school is selective
  • a parent or carer of a primary-age child can request that the school delay or defer their child’s entry to reception, and the process for requesting admission outside the normal age group
  • many external applicants the school intends to admit into the sixth form

In-year admissions

By 31 August each year, the school must publish how it will manage in-year applications for places (that is, applications for places in the middle of a school year, or to start in the September of a year which is not the normal point of entry).

If the governing body manages those applications, the school must provide:

  • an application form
  • supplementary information, if necessary

If the local authority manages those applications, the school must publish a link to the in-year co-ordination scheme.

Admission appeals

By 28 February each year, the school must publish a timetable setting out how it will organise and hear admission appeals.

This timetable must:

  • include a deadline that allows a parent or carer at least 20 school days from the date of notification that their application was unsuccessful to prepare and lodge a written appeal
  • include reasonable deadlines for:
    • a parent or carer to submit additional evidence
    • admission authorities to submit their evidence
    • the clerk to send appeal papers to the panel and parties
  • ensure that a parent or carer lodging an appeal receives at least 10 school days’ notice of their appeal hearing
  • ensure that decision letters are sent within 5 school days of the hearing, wherever possible

Further guidance is available in the school admission appeals code.

What community and voluntary-controlled schools must publish

Community and voluntary-controlled schools must publish a link to the local authority’s website for parents and carers who wish to find out about the school’s admission and appeal arrangements. It is the local authority that manages both processes.

Link to Government website