Academies and mainstream schools in England are required to publish certain information online.  This page organises this information in one place and provides a signpost to the different areas of our website.

You can download our Checklist by clicking the button below

School Contact Details

Please click the section below to view information that includes the following information: Contact Information

What mainstream schools MUST publish
  • their postal address
  • their telephone number
  • the name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and carers, and the public

Mainstream schools must also publish the name and contact details of their special educational needs co-ordinator.

What academies and FE colleges should publish
  • their postal address
  • their telephone number
  • the name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and carers, and the public
  • the name of their headteacher or principal
  • the name and contact details of the chair of their governing body, if applicable
  • the contact details of their academy trust and a link to its website, if applicable

Admission Arrangements

To visit our admissions page, click here.

Annual Reports and Accounts

To read our annual report and annual audited accounts, click here:

Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policies

These can be found on our here.

Careers Programme Information

Details about the Careers programme at our school can be found here (only applicable to Secondary Schools)

Charging and Remissions Policy

Click here to download our Remissions and Charges Policy

Complaints Policy

View our Complaints Policy here.


Visit our curriculum page here, to see the content of the curriculum that our children follow in each year.  If you cannot find all the information you require about our curriculum after visiting this page, you can find out more by contacting the school office and asking to speak to a member of the leadership team.

Schools are required to comply with the duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.

Click here to view the Music Development Plan for Robot Primary School.

Ethos and Values

To view information about our Ethos and Values, click here.

Executive pay

Click here to find out about Executive Pay (Academy Trusts only)

Governance Information

View the names of our Governors/Trustees/Members

To view information on our Governors/Trustees and their duties, click here.

Ofsted Report

Our latest Ofsted report can be viewed on the Ofsted website here.

You can download a copy of our most recent Ofsted report here.

Pay Gap Reporting

You can find information on our pay gap reporting here (academy trusts ONLY)

PE and Sport Premium

Click here to find more information on how we spend our PE and Sport Premium allocation.

Public Sector Equality Duties

Click here to view our policy regarding the school’s public sector equality duties.

Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

Click here to find more information on how we spend our pupil premium allocation.

Remote Education

Information about our remote education provision can be found here.


Current requirement: Schools have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all students, and publishing clear and comprehensive information about safeguarding on their website is a key part of this commitment. Click here to see our Safeguarding information

School Opening Hours

The details of our school opening hours can be found here.

School Uniform

For information on our school uniform and PE kit, including local suppliers, click here.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Click here to find out more information about how we support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Test, exam and assessment results & Performance tables

Our school performance page contains the Key stage 2 (end of primary school) results.

This page also contains a link to the Department for Education’s performance tables.

Visit our school performance page here.

Requests for copies

If you are a parent of a child at Robot Primary, and require a paper copy of the information in this website, please contact the school office.